House-180, Road-2, Baridhara DOHS, Dhaka 1206, Bangladesh

Work Hours
Saturday to Thursday: 9am – 6pm
Weekend: 2pm – 6pm



One-component, fibre-reinforced, compensated-shrinkage, sulphate-resistant thixotropic mortar, particularly suitable for repairing concrete structures with a rendering machine.
Mapegrout Easy-Flow is used for repairing deteriorated concrete structures. The product is particularly suitable when easy pumping over long distances and too elevated positions is required. Repairs carried out by spraying on viaduct piles, bearing walls in tunnels, road and railway tunnels, prefabricated structures, hydraulic works such as canals, dams, spillways and basins and structures deteriorated by the presence of sulphate salts in water or in the ground. In order to guarantee that its expansive properties develop correctly when cured in the open air, adding 0.25% of Mapecure SRA special curing agent to Mapegrout Easy Flow offers a number of advantages. The product may also be used without adding Mapecure SRA, in those cases where the climatic conditions allow for a favourable curing cycle. Mapegrout Easy Flow is usually applied by spray, but may also be applied with a trowel on vertical surfaces without using formwork. The maximum thickness to be applied for each layer is approximately 100 mm.
Mapegrout Easy Flow meets the minimum requirements of EN 1504-3 for class R4 structural mortar.

18.5 kg/m² per cm of thickness.

25 kg vacuum-packed polyethylene bags;
1500 kg big-bags.