House-180, Road-2, Baridhara DOHS, Dhaka 1206, Bangladesh

Work Hours
Saturday to Thursday: 9am – 6pm
Weekend: 2pm – 6pm



Special normal-setting, quick-drying (4 days), controlled-shrinkage hydraulic binder for screeds.

Recommended mixing ratio: 200÷250 kg of TOPCEM with 1 m³ of aggregates (diameter from 0 to 8 mm) and 120-140 kg of water for dry inerts.
Workability time: 40÷60 minutes.
Set to light foot traffic: after 12 hours.
Waiting time before laying: 24 hours for ceramic tiles, 2 days for natural stone and 4 days for resilient and wood coverings.
Residual humidity after 4 days: less than 2%.
EMICODE: EC1 R Plus – very low emission.
Storage: 12 months.
Application: tapping and flattening with a straight edge.
Consumption: 2-2.5 kg/m² per cm of thickness.
Packaging: 20 kg bags.